TIME 2021年12/6・12/13号 電子書籍版

  • TIME 2021年12/6・12/13号 電子書籍版
  • 896円(税込)

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    No.1国際英文ニュース誌!TIME(タイム)のニュースで、世界がはっきり見えてくる。 ● ●9●The Brief●19●The View●26●Whistle-Blower ●Frances Haugen’s life before Facebook compelled her to expose the company’s secrets ●By Billy Perrigo●34●Melting Pot ●To understand why teaching race has become an incendiary political issue, look no further than one school’s fight over “cultural responsiveness”●By Molly Ball●44●Wind Workers●The U.S. East Coast is preparing to draw energy from offshore wind farms. And trainees are preparing for the jobs they’re told will come too●By Alejandro de la Garza●48●‘Peak Redundancy’ ●The burden of TV streaming services that want to be all things to everyone●By Judy Berman●54●The Year in Photos ●Moments of clarity, in a 2021 marked by fraught transitions ●75●Time Off●A fisherman feeds whale sharks in Tan-Awan, the Philippines, in September; while the chance to swim with big fish is a tourist draw, conservation groups denounce hand feeding●Photograph by Hannah Reyes Morales—The New York Times/Redux●TIME Asia is published biweekly (except for August and December) by TIME Magazine HK Limited. © TIME Magazine HK Ltd. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. TIME and the Red Border Design are protected through trademark registration in the U.S. and in the countries where TIME magazine circulates. Member, Audit Bureau of Circulations. PRINT SUBSCRIPTIONS: Visit time.com/AsiaJoinus. SUBSCRIBERS: If the postal services alert us that your magazine is undeliverable, we have no further obligation unless we receive a corrected address within two years. ●CUSTOMER SERVICE AND SUBSCRIPTIONS: For 24/7 service, or to learn more about special offers online, please visit www.subscribenow.com.au/time/asia/SOLO. You may also email our Customer Services Center at time@subscribenow.com.au or call (61) 2 9158 6172, or write to Time Magazine HK Ltd., 16/F Tower 5, The Gateway, Harbour City, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong. ADVERTISING: For information and rates visit: timemediakit.com. TIME Asia is edited in Hong Kong and printed in Singapore and Hong Kong. Singapore MCI (P) No. 080/08/2020. Malaysia KKDN permit no. PPS 676/03/2013(022933).●



