TIME 2018年11/12号 電子書籍版
No.1国際英文ニュース誌!TIME(タイム)のニュースで、世界がはっきり見えてくる。 ●表紙●目次●4 | Conversation●6 | For the Record●7 | A report from the migrant caravan●9 | Constitutional crisis in Sri Lanka●10 | A Washington State carbon tax?●12 | Vietnam’s new leader and the U.S.- China balance●14 | TIME with .. . feelings expert Bren? Brown●16 | The Boston Red Sox rejoice●19 | A ruling on the twisted world of college sports●21 | The case for expanding the U.S. House of Representatives●22 | In Extremis●34 | Brazil’s New Strongman●38 | The Body Politic●47 | How House of Cards and The Conners proceed without their stars●50 | Movies: Bohemian Rhapsody gives a queer icon his due●51 | Jonathan Lethem’s new detective novel●52 | 8 Questions for actor Claire Foy